Live data from CUMIANA (TO), NW
Italy, south Europe |
by Renato Romero
Lat. 44° 57’ 21,924’’ N
Lon. 7° 25’ 16,435’’ E
To see on google map click this link https://goo.gl/maps/7wviV5M8BV9T6F2A9
Electric Field: Marconi Antenna (Ogg/Vorbis Stream)
+ Geophone
signals coming from Marconi antenna: a big "T" 10 m high
with 15 m long top hat.
A live Ogg/vorbis stream is at http://abelian.org/vlf/live-stream.php?stream=vlf15
Alternatively, if timestamps are required, use http://abelian.org/vlf/live-stream.php?stream=vlf15&ts=1
...which includes a timestamp stream in the Ogg
The audio streaming server is
provided by Paul Nicholson.
See at Paul's page "Live VLF Natural
Radio" for others audio stream available: http://abelian.org/vlf/
Here below the first LIVE
spectrogram, updated 30 minutes.
It shows the last 8 hours VLF
activity, as received by Marconi antenna (vertical
electric field).
Marconi Antenna + Geophone
Amplitude scale: two channels
listed below.
- Channel 1, seismic monitor.
Frequency range: 1 to 30 Hz for the top spectrogram.
Signals coming from geophone I/O SENSOR Nederland b.v.
model SM-4/UB8 (see at SM-4_Brochure.pdf) 40
dB amplified with a very low noise preamplifier.
- Channel 2, electric field.
Frequency range: 1 to 105 Hz for the bottom one.
Signals coming from Marconi antenna, with a low noise
current preamplifier, placed at the bottom of it
Picture, every 30 minutes, shows last
8 hours. All date and times are in UTC.
The scroll time is 40 s, and FFT
frequency resolution 21 mHz.
As the receiving station is placed not
too far from an industrial area, sometimes strong tones
are detected by geophone sensor, caused by mechanical
machine (1 km far from here).
Electric filed multistrip daily
representation, useful for comparing anomalies from day
to day:
Scroll time 110 sec, updated every 30
minutes, FFT frequency resolution 10.5 mHz.
Geophone Multistrip hourly
representation, useful for local seismic events
Scroll time 4.6 sec, updated every 60
minutes, FFT frequency resolution 112 mHz
Here below the same data elaborated
as plotting traces. The picture shows the last 30 hours,
and values are detected every 150 s.
Picture, updated every 30 minutes.
Four traces are reported:
- Geophone
trace , it shows the average and peak
signals coming from the geophone sensor, in 1-20 Hz
noise 10 Hz , it shows the medium
value between 3 and 30 Hz.
noise 100 Hz , it shows the medium
value between 30 and 300 Hz.
- 2th SR
freq. , it shows the frequency of
second Schumann resonance (in Hz).
Here below the real time situation
about lighting strikes in Europe. Courtesy of http://www.blitzortung.org
Unattended operations, signal
conditioning, spectrograms and RDF functions are
performed with SpectrumLab: http://freenet-homepage.de/dl4yhf/spectra1.html
. Many thanks to Wolfgang Buscher for his support.
Automatic FTP process is realized with
SyncBack Freeware V3.2.14 http://www.2brightsparks.com/downloads.html.
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