Opera 2015 - Episode
Event n. 4004875411
Md. 4.3
Date/time: 23/01/2015 06:51:20
Area: Appennino Pistoiese
Coordinates (lat, lon) 44.13, 11.12
Deep: 10 km

Map taken from Google Map
Seismic event details are
reported by INGV: http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/event/4875411
Radioseismic index (RI) and distances:

Source files:
Wave file of earthquake, from 04:00 to 08:00, recorded with
ICS101 induction coil:
SOGLIANO daily multistrip Geophone detection:

Event 4004875411
marked with white arrow. 1st Schumann resonance,
wind, local storm and SRS (spectral Resonance Structures),
but no magnetic anomaly detected coinciding with the event.
The strange signal below 2 Hz is of local origin: we do not
know what causes it but it seem to be associated with the
presence of the wind.
SOGLIANO Magnetic field below 35 Hz, 8
hours detected with ICS101 induction coil:

Event 4004875411
marked with white arrow. Schumann resonances
marked on right side, wind effects but no magnetic
anomalies first or during the earthquake
Magnetic field below 35 Hz, 4 hours wave file post
processed, signal detected with ICS101 induction coil:

Event 4004875411 marked with
white arrow. Schumann
resonances marked on right side, wind
effects but no magnetic anomalies first or
during the earthquake. Processed with Sonic
Visualizer (http://www.sonicvisualiser.org/).
Magnetic field below 35 Hz, 4 hours wave file post
processed, signal detected with ICS101 induction
Event 4004875411 marked
with yellow dotted line. Schumann resonances
marked on right side, wind effects but
no magnetic anomalies first or during
the earthquake. Processed with an old
version of Cool Edit (http://www.oldapps.com/CoolEdit.php).
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