Opera 2015 - Episode 006

Event number: 4959511
MD. 6.8
Date/time: 2015-02-13 18:59:16 (UTC)
Area: Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Geographic coordinates: (lat, lon) 52.65, -32
Deep: 17 km

Map elaborated with Azimuth Map V 3.2 by Tony Field VE6YP.
KRN is Kiruna, SND is Sodankyla, TO stays for Torino, IRA for Bologna and ETN for Sicily.

Distance between 3000 and 4000 km from OpenLab monitoring station and Nord Europe geomagnetic observatory.
Seismic event details are reported by INGV: 

Radioseismic index (RI) and distances:

Magnetic situation detected by Kiruna Geophysical Institute (Sweden )

4004959511 event is marked with a red line. No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Magnetic situation detected by Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory (Finland)

4004959511 event is marked with a red line. No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Some OpenLab Source files:

Station 01 -CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy . Geophone/Marconi antenna.

4004959511 event is marked with a white arrow. Some mirrored signals, rain effects and Schumann resonances marked on right part. In left part an electrical discharge due to the accumulation of static field, a common phenomenon with clouds at low altitude. No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Station 01 -CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy. Multistrip daily Electric field, detected with Marconi antenna.

4004959511 event is marked with a white arrow. Daylight wind activity, rain and Schumann Resonances.
No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Station 02 - CSP VLF MONITORING STATION From Pontese dew (TO), NW Italy.
ADA receiver on top (electric field) and active loop receiver on bottom (magnetic field)

4004959511 event is marked with a white arrow. Alpha radionavigation system signals on higher frequencies, and tweeks activity with fundamental frequency at 1750 Hz ad first harmonic to 3500 Hz. No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Station 04 - ROMAGNA OBSERV. From Sogliano al Rubicone (FC), N Italy. ICS101 induction coil.

4004959511 event is marked with a white arrow. Schumann resonances marked on left part of spectrogram. No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Station 04 - ROMAGNA OBSERV. From Sogliano al Rubicone (FC), N Italy.
Daily magnetic filed detected with ICS101 induction coil.

4004959511 event is marked with a white arrow. First Schumann resonances always visible, and sometime local noise correlated with wind activity. No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Station 05 - NORTHERN CROSS RADIOTELESCOPE From Medicina (IT - Bologna), N Italy.

Daily magnetic filed detected with ULFO induction coil.
4004959511 event is marked with a white arrow. First Schumann resonances always visible, and sometime local noise. No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Station 05 - NORTHERN CROSS RADIOTELESCOPE From Medicina (IT - Bologna), N Italy.
Static electric field decteted with Boltek Receiver.

4004959511 event is marked with a red arrow. Local rainstorm detected 5 days before the earthquake event. No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Station 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy.

Daily magnetic filed detected with induction coil.
4004959511 event is marked with a white arrow. First Schumann resonances always visible, and periodic local noise,always about at same hours .No magnetic anomalies first, during or after the earthquake.

Thanks also to the two geomagnetic observatories from Northern Europe for their sharing data

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