Opera 2015 - Episode 009

Event n. 4005155371
Magnitude: 5.4
Date/time: 27/03/2015 23:34:54 (UTC)
Area: Crete, Greece
Coordinates: (lat, lon) 35.69, 26.62
Deep: 74 km

Map taken from Google Map

Seismic event details are reported by INGV:  http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/event/5155371

Radioseismic index (RI) and distances:

Source files:
Stereo wave file of earthquake, from
27/03/2015 20:00 to 28/03/2015 04:00, left channel geophone, right channel induction coil:

ERO multistrip Geophone detection:

The time of the earthquake 4005155371 is marked with a white arrow.
Followed, after a few minutes in the box square, pressure wave and surface wave.

ERO Magnetic field below 35 Hz, multistrip hourly view, detected with induction coil:

No magnetic anomaly detected first or during the event. Earthquake 4005155371 is marked with a white arrow, mirophonic effect of surface wave in white oval some minutes later, Schumann resonances marked on right. Power line distribution noise (seems like a white noise) marked in red box.

ERO Magnetic field below 35 Hz, detected with induction coil:

4005155371 marked with white arrow. No magnetic anomaly detected coinciding with the event.   Schumann resonances marked on Left. Power line distribution noise (seems like a white noise) and local daily noise marked in red box .

ERO Magnetic field below 9 Hz daily representation, detected with induction coil:

Event 4005155371 marked with white arrow. First Schuman resonances marked on right side.
Main disturbance in the red box: see how they look like geomagnetic pulsations, but are present every day at the same hour.
No magnetic anomaly detected coinciding with the event.
Detail of source file, 35 minuts elaborated with Sonic Visualizer

Event 4005155371 marked with violet. Geophone spectrogram on top, with event, seismic pressure wave and surface pressure wave. Magnetic field on bottom with power line distribition noise in red box, seismic event violet line, surface wave microphonic effect on coil marked in white oval, and Schumann resonances on right. Even here no magnetic anomaly detected coinciding with the event.

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