Opera 2015 - Episode 019

Event-ID:  4005503251
Magnitude (Ml):  3.9
Time: 24/05/2015 - 06:00:33 (UTC)
Coordinates: 38.0488°N, 15.9487°E
Deep: 62 km
Seismic district: Aspromonte

Map taken from Google Map

Seismic event details are reported by INGV:  http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/event/5503251

Radioseismic index (RI) and distances :


Source files:
Wave file recording by
Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy, from 24MAY15-0000 to  24MAY15-0800: ERO_24MAY15-0000to0800_coil.wav

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Geophone, hourly multistrip spectrogram,
4005503251 event marked with white arrow, seismic wave in white oval. In these day the geophone is used without preamplifier, turned off for maintenance working.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil,
4005503251 event marked with white arrow, very low noise signal of local origin beforeearthquake. Schumann Resonances on left part. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, hourly multistrip spectrogram,
4005503251 event marked with white arrow, low frequency noise in white ovals. Schumann Resonances on left part. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, multistrip daily spectrogram,
4005503251 event marked with white arrow. First Schumann Resonance on left part. Daily noise in white oval (morning signals) and in big white square (evening signals), No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Source wave file elaborated with Sonic Visualizer, 8 hours view, starting from midnight up to 8 in the morning. Geophone and coil signals,
4005503251 event marked with red arrow. Schumann Resonances on left part. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Source wave file elaborated with Sonic Visualizer, 1h 45' view, around the event. Geophone and coil signals, 4005503251 event marked with red arrow.  No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

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