Opera 2015 - Episode 022

Event-ID: 4005566411 renamed as 5566291
Magnitude (MB): 5.1
Time: 09/06/2015 alle 01:09:03 (UTC)
Coordinates:  38.59°N, 23.35°E
Deep: 10 km
Seismic district: Greece

Map taken from Google Map

Seismic event details are reported by INGV:  http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/event/5566291

(INGV changed its earthquake indexing: 
4005566411 si the earthquake according the old one, 5566291 the new one)

Radioseismic index (RI) and distances :


Source files:

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Geophone, hourly multistrips, 
4005566411 event marked with white arrow. Pressure wave and surface wave well identified some minutes after the earthquake time, and another previous event three hours before.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, 
4005566411 event time marked with white arrow. Schumann Resonances on left part. Wide band noise coming from main distribution, very low frequency noise two hours before event, but it is detectable almost every evening. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, hourly multistrips, 
4005566411 event marked with white arrow. Schumann Resonances on left part. Whide band noise coming from main network here and there. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, daily multistrips, 
4005566411 event marked with white arrow (second strips starting from top). First Schumann Resonance on left part. Daily storms, periodic evening noise but no RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Geophone and Induction coil, Sonic Visualizer analysis of 4 hours source file, from midnight to 04:00 in the morning. 
4005566411 event marked with red vertical line. Schumann Resonances on left part (bottom, in coil spectrogram). Pressure wave before and surface after, some minutes later the event. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Geophone and induction coil, another Sonic Visualizer representation, 
25 minutes across 4005566411 event marked with red vertical line. Schumann Resonances on left part. 2 minutes and 24 seconds separates the time event from the pressure wave coming, followed by surface one. Also here: no RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

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