Opera 2015 - Episode 023

Event-ID: 4005572051
Magnitude (MB): 5.4
Time: 09/06/2015 - 21:49:49 (UTC)
Coordinates: 35.0174°N, 26.7253°E
deep: 34.2 km
Seismic district: Crete, Greece

Map taken from Google Map

Seismic event details are reported by INGV:  http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/event/5572051

Radioseismic index (RI) and distances :


Source files:

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy   

Geophone, hourly multistrips, 
4005572051 event marked with white arrow. Pressure and surface wave follow the event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy   

Induction coil, 
4005572051 event marked with white arrow. Schumann Resonances on left part. Daily local nose anticipates the event but no RF signals correlated with earthquake.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy   

Induction coil, hourly multistrips, 
4005572051 event marked with white arrow. Schumann Resonances on left part. As before, d
aily local nose anticipates the event but no RF signals correlated with earthquake.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy   

Induction coil, daily multistrips,  4005572051 event marked with white arrow. First Schumann Resonance on left part. Here the daily local nose is clearly recognizable; no RF signals correlated with earthquake.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy   

Geophone on top and induction coil on bottom. 
4005572051 event marked with red vertical line. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

This event was preceded by
high intensity very low frequency signals. To a first and superficial analysis they could be identified as precursors, but this is not true: it becomes evident by looking at the situation of previous days, where the same signal appears at about the same time and every day  (look at daily multistrips spectrogram).

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