Opera 2015 - Episode 041
Seismic event + PC1

Event-ID: 6316841
Magnitude ML 4.0
Date/time: 20-12-2015 ore 09:46:03 (UTC)
Area: Sicilian Coast Mid North (Palermo)
Coordinates (lat, lon): 38.35, 13.58
Deep: 5 km.

Map taken from Google Map

Seismic event details are reported by INGV:

Radioseismic index (RI) and distances :


Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Geophone 6316841
event + seismic wave marked with white arrow. Another weakest event 6317171 follow the first, two hours later.


Stormy situation without direct evidence in the spectrograms during the seismic event: we will see the presence of a geomagnetic pulsation some hour before the event. 6316841 event is marked with orange vertical line.


Some little event around Sicily, but of low intensity.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, 6316841
event marked with white arrow. Schumann Resonances on left part. The usual noise coming from main network distribution before the event.  No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, hourly strips 6316841
event marked with white arrow. Schumann Resonances marked on middle left part and some vertical linecaused by local
low intensity thunderstorms. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil, daily strips, 6316841
event marked with white arrow. First Schumann Resonance marked on left part and in dashed boxes the recurrent local noise. Weak but clear PC1 on left top. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Induction coil. Schumann Resonances on left part. The usual noise coming from main network distribution, some main carrier interharmonics and on left bottom the PC1 pulsation.  Not too intense since the ETNA monitoring station is the least sensitive at 1 Hz. Let's see how Sogliano monitoring station received the event.

Monitoring St. 04 - ROMAGNA OBSERVATORY From Sogliano al Rubicone (FC), N Italy. 

ICS101 induction coil
. Schumann Resonances on left part and a clear long time PC1. Spectral Resonances structure also visible overlapped on the first Schumann resonance.

Monitoring St. 04 - ROMAGNA OBSERVATORY From Sogliano al Rubicone (FC), N Italy. 

ICS101, daily strips. First S
chumann Resonance marked on left part. Some pulsations and SRS.

Source files:

Listen here:

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

Source file analyzed with sonic Visualizer, 1 hour detail. Geophone on top, induction coil on bottom, 6316841
event marked with vertical red line. Schumann Resonances on left part. Seismic wave follows the event on geophone, and in coil signal too by microphonic effect. No RF signals correlated with earthquake event.

Monitoring St. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY From NICOLOSI (CT), Etna Park, Sicily, S Italy 

As before, entire 4 hours view.

Monitoring St. 04 - ROMAGNA OBSERVATORY From Sogliano al Rubicone (FC), N Italy. 

Sogliano Source file analyzed with sonic Visualizer. Schumann Resonances on left part, two PC1 geomagnetic pulsations.

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