Opera 2015 - Magnetic
Pulsation 002
2015-01-09 02:00 to 08:00 UTC Geomagnetic pulsation
Geomagnetic activity as reported by NOAA (http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/notifications-timeline)

Geomagnetic pulsation, detected by IRF of Kiruna (http://www.irf.se/maggraphs/puls.php).

2015-01-09 00:20 to 08:00 at OpenLab st. 04 - Sogliano al
Rubicone(FC), N Italy

and clear geomagnetic pulsation detected with induction coil,
inside the red ovals. Schumann resonances marked in left side.
Signal into the white oval seems to be pulsation, but they are
local noise.
2015-01-09 00:00 to 08:00 at OpenLab st.
05 - NORTHERN CROSS RADIOTELESCOPE From Medicina (IT - Bologna), N

Geomagnetic pulsation detected with induction
coil, inside the red ovals. Schumann resonances marked in right
2015-01-09 08:00 Multistrip daily
representation at OpenLab st. 04 - Sogliano al
Rubicone(FC), N Italy

Magnetic pulsations are marked in to the red oval
Geomagnetic pulsation, detected by IRF of
Kiruna (http://www.irf.se/maggraphs/puls.php).

The geomagnetic activity continues even in the
morning, after 8 UTC (see PC1/E and PC1/F).
But it is no longer visible in Italy, at mid-latitudes, because
this type of signal, is mainly nocturnal, like we can see below.
2015-01-09 07:10 to12:45
OpenLab st. 04 - Sogliano al Rubicone(FC), N

Source files:
2015-01-09 00:00 to 04:00 and 04:00 to 08:00 at
OpenLab st. 04 - Sogliano al Rubicone(FC), N Italy
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