Opera 2015 - Magnetic
Pulsation 004
2015-01-19 night time 00:00 to 08:00 UTC and following days,
SRS Spectral Resonances Structures
Geomagnetic activity as reported by NOAA (http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/notifications-timeline)

2015-01-19 nighttime, at OpenLab st. 04 -
Sogliano al Rubicone(FC), N Italy

and clear SRS detected with induction coil, inside the orange rounded
rectangle. Schumann resonances marked in right side.
nighttime, at OpenLab st.
05 - NORTHERN CROSS RADIOTELESCOPE From Medicina (IT - Bologna), N

SRS detected with induction coil, inside the orange
rounded rectangle.
Schumann resonances marked in right side.
nighttime, at OpenLab st. 03 - ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY,
Sicily, S Italy

Weak SRS detected with induction
coil, inside the orange rounded rectangle. Schumann
resonances marked in right side.
and following days at OpenLab st. 04
- Sogliano al Rubicone(FC), N

Daily multistrip representation. Strong and
clear SRS detected with induction coil, in 18-19-20-21 and 22
January inside the orange rounded
rectangles. 1st Schumann resonance marked with pink arrows.
Source file:
2015-01-19 00:00 to 04:00 at OpenLab st. 04 - Sogliano al
Rubicone(FC), N Italy
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